To Registration link:
1st National Conference on Emerging Horizons in Science and Technology (NCEHST-22) is scheduled to take place on the 26th and 27th of December, 2022, University of Central Punjab, Lahore, organized by the Faculty of Science and Technology (FOST). NCEHST will offer an opportunity for the researchers, delegates and scholars to interact and share academic experiences in science and technology.
The goal of the 1st National Conference on Emerging Horizons in Science and Technology (NCEHST-22) conference is to provide a stage for researchers and practitioners from academia and business to deal with state-of-the-art advancement in science & technology. This event will harmonize National Academic & Industrial efforts to contribute towards the UN’s sustainability goals.
Registration Fee Local Participants
Academic Authors 3500-/PKR
Student Authors 2500-/PKR
Participant 2000-/PKR
International Participants
Academic Authors 50-/$
Student Authors 25-/$
Participant 20-/$
Registration Link:
Mode of Payment
Account Title: University of Central Punjab
Account Number: 0102044055123
IBAN: PK36AllN0000102044055123
AL Baraka Bank (Pakistan) Ltd, Johar Town, Lahore
Venue: University of Central Punjab
Abstract submission deadline: 15th December 2022
Notification of Abstract acceptance: 18th December 2022
Registration deadline: 20th December 2022
Contact our registration committee
Dr. Mohsin Tassawar-03456712338
Mr. Muhammad Awais -03344186317
Further Information
Dr. Muhammad Naveed (Chief Organizer)
Phone:0423580007; Ext:615
Email: (