In the light of the current situation due to COVID-19 pandemic, assessment mechanisms (for quizzes, assignments and exams) have been changed. Consequently, new mechanisms have replaced the standard assessment mechanisms. Various assessment mechanisms including the following are being implemented according to the need and nature of the course:
- Exams can be divided into different sections, with students distributed into these section. Each group of students should have different sections to solve at same time.
- To conduct handwritten exam and upload the solution signed copy in a stipulated time.
- In order to make the assessment more effective, parameters of numerical problems may be replaced with registration number of the student, so that every student solves a different problem.
- Students can be asked the application of knowledge, and hence being assessed based upon their understanding.
- Handwritten exams can be followed by a viva in which students should be asked about solution of their submitted paper. Division of handwritten and viva marks can be set according to the situation.
- Student may be allowed to send his/ her exam through email or WhatsApp, if he/ she is facing problem in uploading the document on Microsoft Teams within the due time.
- It may be taken care that the time for examination is enough for students to solve it timely.