Department of Psychology’s Industry Visit to Punjab Public Library and Lahore Museum

Department of Psychology’s Industry Visit to Punjab Public Library and Lahore Museum

Department of Psychology, FoHSS, organized an industry visit to Punjab Public Library and Lahore Museum on May 16, 2024. This study visit emphasized the importance of qualitative analysis of history in chronological order and library consultation regarding archival data for qualitative research. This trip provided students with valuable insights into our historical and cultural heritage. At the Lahore Museum, students explored a wide array of artifacts and cultural exhibits that vividly depicted the region’s past and traditional lifestyles. The visit to the Punjab Public Library offered a unique glimpse into literary history through ancient manuscripts, rare books, newspapers, and old scripts. Engaging in discussions and interactive sessions with experts at both institutions enhanced the students’ understanding and appreciation of our heritage. The trip concluded with a vote of thanks, recommendation to encourage similar visits to foster knowledge exchange and cultural enlightenment, and sharing of souvenirs.