The reliance of research productivity mainly revolves around the number of publications and citations of these publications. The citation is an undeniable performance parameter that reflects the multiple aspects of research and development such as scientific impact, research quality, relevance, market acceptability, and reputation in the research community. Following the footprints of the evolving definition of research productivity, the emphasis on citations of faculty members’ publications becomes inevitable. The Directorate of Research published the Top-20 cited faculty members of UCP, where the citation number of faculty members is recorded from the Google Scholar Citation Index.
- Top Cited Researchers Namei10-indexH-indexCitationsDesignation / FacultyAssociate Professor / Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Science (FOIT&CS)44704044Professor / Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Science (FOIT&CS)22421722Senior Lecturer / Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Science (FOIT&CS)12851926
- 100+ Impact Factor Club Dr. Hammad NaveedPro-RectorUniversity of Central PunjabDr. Muhammad Akhyar FarrukhProfessorFaculty of Science & Technology (FOST)Dr. Sumera ZaibHoD/Associate ProfessorFaculty of Science & Technology (FOST)Dr. Muhammad RafiqProfessorFaculty of Science & Technology (FOST)Dr. Ali Faisal MurtazaDirector Research/ Associate Professor/ ORICFaculty of Engineering (FOE)Dr. Khalida NaseemAssistant ProfessorFaculty of Science & Technology (FOST)Dr Muhammad ZamanAssistant ProfessorFaculty of PharmacyDr. Ghulam Jilany KhanAssociate ProfessorFaculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FOPS)Dr. Huma HameedAssistant ProfessorFaculty of Pharmaceutical SciencesDr. Muhammad NaveedAssociate Professor/ HODFaculty of Science and TechnologyDr. Mahtab Ahmad KhanDean/ ProfessorFaculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FOPS)Dr. Muhammad SaadiHoD/ Associate ProfessorDepartment of Engineering (FOE)Dr. Hafiz Shoaib SarwarAssistant ProfessorFaculty of PharmacyDr. Hafiz Rizwan SharifAssociate ProfessorFaculty of Science and Technology(FOST)Dr. Muhammad Imran SajidAssociate ProfessorFaculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FOPS)Dr. Jawad AbbasAssistant ProfessorFaculty of Management Sciences (FOMS)