The purpose of the “Intro to Git & GitHub” session was to introduce and explain the use Git and GitHub. The guest speaker Mr. Bilal Shahzad, Director of IBAX – A Blockchain Infrastructural Network, ensured that the content was delivered effectively, and catered to the questions from the audience. The session was also attended by FOIT CS students and some faculty members.
The following points were discussed in the seminar:
-Version Management
-Version Control Software (Git)
-Keeping track of changes in code
-Branches (Push and pull to and from a branch)
The speaker explained how version control software allows developers to host and manage their projects on a secure platform by creating an online repository.
Closing out, the speaker suggested UCP’s Management buy GitHub for organization subscription which allows for unlimited private repositories. The seminar ended with warm applause from the audience while Mr. Bilal Shahzad was presented with a souvenir by Dean FOIT Dr. Amjad Iqbal to honor his effort and time. The students and faculty were able to interact with the speaker off the stage with their individual thoughts and queries. FILO CS Mr. Asif Farooq worked diligently before and during the event to make it a success.