Launch of E-Courses on two important HEC’s Policies

Launch of E-Courses on two important HEC’s Policies

The Higher Education Commission of Pakistan has co-designed courses on two important HEC Policies in collaboration with the National Academy of Higher Education (NAHE), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and UN Women been supported by funding from the Australian High Commission.  


The e-courses are as follows:  

E-course on Protection Against Sexual Harassment Policy  

The policy outlines how Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Pakistan can roll the policy out at their institution and details the provisions and support available to anybody associated with the HEI reporting incidence of sexual harassment course is self-paced and uses plain language and illustrations to keep audiences engaged. Students, faculty, and administration of universities are expected to take this course. Once the course is complete, participants can take the online quiz. An 80% or more mark on the quiz will allow printing a personalised certificate of course completion. Participants are welcome to take the quiz various times if they do not get the required mark to print the certificate on the first attempt. 

E-course on Policy for Students with Disabilities at Higher Education Institutions in Pakistan  

This e-course is based on the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan’s policy for Students with Disabilities at Higher Education Institutions in Pakistan. The policy outlines how Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Pakistan can roll the policy out at their institution and details the provisions and support available to existing and potential students with Disabilities at Higher Education Institutions in Pakistan.  

The course is self-paced, uses plain language and illustrations to keep audiences engaged. Students, faculty, and administration of universities are expected to take this course. Once the course is complete, participants can take the online quiz. An 80% or more mark on the quiz will allow printing a personalised certificate of course completion. Participants are welcome to take the quiz various times if they do not get the required mark to print the certificate on the first attempt.  

Online Registration  

This course is available through NAHE’s learning management system, Moodle. For your account to be created on Moodle by NAHE, please register. Please make sure that there are no typing errors in your email address. Once registered, an account will be created within 2-weeks, and a unique participant ID will be shared with you via email. Without entering the correct participant ID, you will not be able to begin the course.

  • Step 1: Fill the registration form for your account creation on NAHE’s LMS, Moodle.  
  • Step 2: Wait for an email (up to 2 weeks) containing your credentials. Check spam/junk and inbox 
  • Step 3: Reset your password on Moodle and enrol in the course 
  • Step 4: Enter your participant ID and start the course. Upon successful completion, the certificate will be downloadable 
  • Step 5: If you get a low quiz score, retake the course (step 4) 


For any technical issues regarding registration, please email at