MOU Signed between UCP-FOHSS and Institute of Regional Studies (IRSP)-ISB

MOU Signed between UCP-FOHSS and Institute of Regional Studies (IRSP)-ISB

On Friday, 3rd June 2021, the Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR), Faculty of Humanity & Social Sciences (FOHSS) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Institute of Regional Studies (IRS) Islamabad.
Matters of mutual interests were discussed at length. Both sides talked about the possibilities of engaging in a range of areas; Recruitment of UCP students, Internship programs, joint research projects, advocacy campaigns, seminars and webinars on Social Issues. Ambassador (Rtd) Nadeem Riyaz (President of the Institute of Regional Studies (IRS) Islamabad) shared their projects and activities. Dr Khalid Manzoor Butt (Consultant, FOHSS) shared the progress and future programs of FOHSS and appreciated the projects of IRS ISB.
Dr Waheed Ahmed Khan (HoD, DPIR) discussed the importance of student grooming and developing leadership skills. Both sides agreed that UCP and IRP could further enhance collaboration in different areas.
Pro-Rector Dr Nassar Ikram and Ambassador (Rtd) Nadeem Riyaz signed the MoU on behalf of UCP and the Institute of Regional Studies (IRS), respectively. The meeting was concluded with souvenir distribution and group photographs.