UCP International Office organized a meet and greet session of UCP’s international students with the newly appointed Pro-rector and Provost. The international students representing different faculties from various nationalities participated in the session. The students were briefed about the appointment of the new leadership team followed by the introductory session of students with the Pro-Rector and Provost. The students also shed light on their journey at UCP and shared their academic and extra-curricular experiences at UCP. The Pro-Rector and Provost inquired about any grievances of international students and assured to extend all the necessary support to provide a transformative learning experience and facilitate inter-cultural understanding amongst the student body. The international students shared their ideas to promote diversity by initiating and participating in different cross-cultural activities at the university. The international office also briefed the leadership on past activities of international students. The meet and greet session ended with a vote of thanks by the international students to the new leadership followed by a group photo.