Earth Day 2024: Planet Vs Plastics!What can we do as University Grads?

Earth Day 2024: Planet Vs Plastics!What can we do as University Grads?

Earth is the only planet in our solar system with human existence and so much beauty. Like no other, our planet has experienced the growth, development, and pinnacles of human greatness. In the same way, the earth has had to go through the most dramatic and horrifying damage of human growth. To monitor, analyse and safeguard our remarkable planet- Earth Day is observed on 22 April. Earth Day 2024 is all about ‘Planet vs Plastics’ Let us see what you, as UCP students, can do to save your areas and locations. 

Earth Day 2024: Planet Vs. Plastics targets the inclusion of plastics in our environment in 2024. Hence, this Earth Day, it is demanded to reduce the consumption of plastics through the production stream by 2040, at least by 60 %. Furthermore, single-use plastic production aims at 30% by 2023.  

Research and data disclose that once initiated as a valuable and effective product, it has become an alarming threat to the environment and living beings. Every single breathing body is at stake due to the plastic particles making us sick and putting our environment at stake.  

Therefore, has kept the theme of ‘planet vs. plastics’ to restore the ecosystem, address climate change more effectively and to safeguard biodiversity.  

Damages of Plastics So Far 

It is not a hidden fact that plastic is harmful to the environment and living beings. There are several types of plastic. Some of them are PET and PVC. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) produces water bottles, food containers, and packaging for assorted items. PET is resilient and does not readily degrade, thus it can persist in the environment for extended periods. 

However, PVC makes plastic pipes, flooring, and other building materials. Both are petroleum products.  

Most of these plastics flow in water through lakes, seas, and oceans. If not disposed of properly, it affects marine life and pollutes the landfills also because, lying there untreated, plastics take years and even centuries to decompose properly.  

From these landfills and other sources, this plastic becomes micro plastic, which is the ultimate threat to human life and causes significant health concerns.  

As we know, plastic is the secondary product of petroleum. Petroleum is obtained by cutting down wood. Therefore, as the reliance on plastic increases, the risk and damage to the earth will be two-tiered. That means, for more plastic, you need more petroleum, and for that, more deforestation would be done. 

Last but not least, when plastic falls in the oceans and waterways. It makes the wildlife at stake. Animals got trapped in bottlenecks and cap seals, which becomes a reason for their death. 

Moreover, in the sea and ocean, marine life gets heavily polluted, and sea animals die because of different types of plastic waste. Therefore, 2024 Earth Day is dedicated to removing or reducing plastic production by 60%.  

It is high time to take precautions at the individual and group levels. Hence, we must work collectively on this if we want to eliminate plastic waste and ensure the safety of various species, including humans and animals.  

Say No to Plastics! 

Earth has issued a detailed tool kit for better practices.  It outlines the best practices for a community on a collective basis. It includes every individual to input efforts; taking inspiration from the same, we are listing the things you, as a student at university, such as UCP, can do,  

Remember, every single effort makes a difference! 

earth day 2024

Educate Yourself about Plastics! 

Try to educate yourself and people in your surroundings about the damage plastic can cause. Shift your focus to things you can avoid to promote less plastic consumption.  

Avoid Fast Fashion 

More clothing sales and purchases are coming in fast fashion. Believe it or not, synthetic polyester is all plastic. Therefore, clothes are the source of microplastics. Moreover, washing synthetic clothes is another source of microplastics entering waterways.  

It is advisable to go towards more sustainable fashion. Sustainable fashion refers to clothing, accessories, and footwear produced and consumed to minimise environmental impact while addressing social and ethical concerns throughout the supply chain. This includes using eco-friendly materials, reducing waste and pollution, promoting fair labour practices, and creating designs with a longer lifespan and lower environmental footprint. 

Plant More Trees 

Trees are the primary support system for a better and safer environment. Therefore, plant trees in your surroundings. If every person plants a single tree, imagine the change. You can also increase the number of trees by planting one every month and so on.  

Go for Plastic Recycle  

Avoid throwing plastic just like that. It will become a danger for the next centuries to come. Instead, use organic and paper packaging and supplies, however, since we have more or less some plastic packing as a part of our daily life.  

Therefore, it is essential to bring it to plastic recycle this Earth Day 2024.   

Choose Clothes Thrift 

We all buy clothes. With time, we reduce to wear any piece. Therefore, giving them to a local clothes thrift store or recycling clothes is better. If you have no model present in your locality, start the one.  

Cloth thrift refers to buying, selling, or donating second-hand clothing items. It involves extending the lifespan of clothing by giving it a new owner rather than disposing of it. This reduces waste and promotes sustainability by keeping garments in circulation for extended periods. 

Practice Cloth Recycle  

Cloth recycling involves transforming old or unwanted clothing into new materials or products. This can include breaking textiles into fibres to create new fabrics, converting garments into other textile products, or repurposing materials for non-clothing applications. Cloth recycling helps to reduce textile waste and conserve resources by giving new life to old textiles. 


Earth Day 2024 is a reminder to safeguard our planet.  Reducing plastic by 60% is the mission to be achieved by 2040. Become a part of it by practising simple activities in your daily life. And become a captain planet on your own!