November 26, 2019 - 12:00 am
November 27, 2019 - 12:00 am
Department of Sustainable Environment and Environment Protection Society of University of Central Punjab celebrated the Sustainability Week 2019 in the context of Prime Minister’s Clean and Green Pakistan Movement and UN-SDG’s.
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Mansoor Ahmad, Pro-Rector UCP, inaugurated the Sustainability Week 2019 and appreciated the efforts of Sustainability Department and the students of Environmental Protection Society. He also took part in the Climate Walk and planted a tree in the premises of UCP. Ms. Javeria Qais Joiya, Director Department of Sustainable Environment, Mr. Amjad Niaz, Director Administration, Ms. Samina Hafeez, Director Students Affairs, Maj. Naveed Mukhtar, Director Security and Dr. Ali Nasir, were also part of this ceremony. The purpose of this drive was to encourage students and staff to take precautionary measures regarding the rapidly changing climate.
Students of UCP displayed models related to various environmental problems and presented the solutions toward these problems in their demonstrations. Representatives illustrated their ideas based on plastic waste disposal, water conservation, carbon emission and renewable energy. The most focused area of the event was renewable energy as the University of Central Punjab (UCP) is the only education network that has the largest Solar Power Plant. Students displayed models of wind energy and provided details of the feasibility where this plant works efficiently. The work of students was astonishing and inspiring. People showed great interest towards these projects and were observing them keenly.
Earth Hour, Pledge to Save Earth, was celebrated by Directors, Deans, Teachers and enthusiastic students of UCP lightened lanterns in the front courtyard of UCP to celebrate Earth Hour and sparked extraordinary action to stop the loss of nature. Mr. Amjad Niaz Director Administration, Ms. Javaria Qais Joiya, Director Sustainability, Ms. Samina Hafeez Director Students Affairs, Maj. Naveed Mukhtar, Director Security, Dr. Ali Nasir and Mr. Khwaja Jamal along with students started this light-off event by lightening candles and turning off electric lights. They all took pledge to save our home planet Earth and protect natural resources.