Dr. Ismat Jabeen

Published Research

  1. Enhancing Speaking Skill of Undergrad Students through Group Work: Theory and Practice Kashmir Journal of Language, April, 2017.
  2. Scaffolding English Language Teaching: Enhancing Listening Skill of College Level Learners in Pakistan, Kashmir Journal of Language, December, 2014, V 17(2).
  3. Implementing Sociocultural Approach in Teaching English as a Second Language in Pakistan: Challenges and Remedies. Journal of Education and Practice, May, 2013, 107-115: http://www.iiste.org/Journals/index.php/JEP/article/view/5756
  4. Effective Use of Sentence Connectors: From Theory to Practice (Submitted for publication in International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching

Conference Presentations/Participations

  1. Representing South Asian Sufism: Conference attended on 14th April, 2017.
  2. Effective Use of Sentence Connectors: From Theory to Practice Presented in 4th Global Conference on Linguistics & Foreign Language Teaching. Organized by Academic World Education & Research Centre, Ephesus-Aydin, Turkey from 03-05th November, 2016.
  3. Gender Neutral Language in Academic Settings in Pakistan: A Discourse Analysis Presented in 2nd Kashmir International Conference on Linguistics. Organized by The University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Muzaffarabad on 4th & 5th May, 2015.
  4. Enhancing Speaking Skill of Undergrad Students through Group Work: Theory and Practice Presented in 30th SPELT Annual International Conference held from 12th to 14th Sep, 2014 in Islamabad.

Dr Baber S A Khan

Published Research

  1. A Note of Disagreement on Verb Agreement in Hindi-Urdu. 1989. Linguistics. 27:6. De Gruyter Mouton, Hague.
  2. The Ergative Case in Hindi-Urdu. 1987. Studies in Linguistic Science. 17:1. Department of Linguistics, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Conference Presentations/Participations

  1. Representing South Asian Sufism: Conference attended on 14th April, 2017.
  2. Developing language quiz on Socrative. 18 December 2012. Training workshop conducted at Khalifa City Women’s College, Higher Colleges of Technology.
  3. Using I-etherpad to develop Writing Skills. (In collaboration with Christine Lampe) 27th March 2011. Workshop conducted at ‘Focus on Foundations Conference, Centre of Excellence for English, Al-Ain Colleges, HCT. Al Ain, UAE.
  4. Online tools for IELTS students. (In collaboration with Christine Lampe, Stephen Aston and Tsoghik Grigoryan) 27th March 2011. A joint presentation at ‘Focus on Foundations Conference, Centre of Excellence for English, Al-Ain Colleges, HCT. Al Ain, UAE.
  5. Assessment for Learning. 7 October 2010. Workshop conducted for English Faculty at Al Ain Women’s College, HCT, Al Ain, UAE.
  6. Academic Writing. March 1995. Talk given at the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi University, Karachi, Pakistan.
  7. National English Language Curriculum. (Coauthor). 1994. Curriculum prepared by National English Language Institute (NELI), Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, Pakistan.
  8. Textbook Review. October 1994. Textbook prepared by Baluchistan Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education, Quetta, Pakistan
  9. The Aga Khan University English Language Unit. 8 June 1993. Talk given at the Conference of English Language Units of Pakistan, University Grants Commission, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Farhat Abdullah

Published Research

  1. A Paper, “Development of Urdu WordNet Using the Merge Approach”, is published in the proceedings of Conference on Language Technology 12 (CLT12) held at Center for Language Engineering ,UET Lahore, Pakistan http://www.cle.org.pk/research/papers.html
  2. “The Use of E-Contents for Teaching Language Subjects” in the proceedings of International Conference on Language, Literature & Linguistics 2013 (LLL 2013) 2-3 Dec, 2013
  3. “A Comparative Study of Spoken English on Pakistani and Indian TV Channels” in the proceedings of Second International Conference on Language, Literature & Community (LLLC2015). February 21-22,2015.(India)

Conference Presentations/Participations

  1. Conducted a workshop on Developing Urdu WordNet” in Conference on Language Technology 12 (CLT12) UET Lahore which was attended by linguists from Germany (University of Konstanz,) and all over Pakistan
  2. Presented and published a research paper titled “The Use of E-Contents for Teaching Language Subjects” in the proceedings of International Conference on Language, Literature & Linguistics 2013 (LLL 2013) 2-3 Dec, 2013, Grand Oriental Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka. http://theicrd.org/Proceeding%20LLL%202013.pdf
  3. Presented a research article titled “Production, Delivery and Sharing of E-Contents: New Paradigm in Language Pedagogy” in 1st International Conference on Linguistics and Language Teaching, 25-26 November 2013, Bahawalpur, Pakistan. http://linguisticsconferenceiub.blogspot.com/p/tentative-detailed-programme-day-l_3030.html
  4. Presented and published a research paper titled “A Comparative Study of Spoken English on Pakistani and Indian TV Channels” in the proceedings of Second International Conference on Language, Literature & Community (LLLC2015). February 21-22,2015.(India) http://www.languages3000.com/
  5. Presented a research paper titled “Hyponymy Noun Hierarchies in Urdu WordNet” in 2nd Kashmir International Conference on Linguistics, May 04-05, 2015. Muzaffarbad, Azad Kashmir. http://www.ajku.edu.pk/icl.php
  6. Academic Writing. March 1995. Talk given at the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Karachi University, Karachi, Pakistan.
  7. Presented a research paper titled “Use of Computational Analysis of the Borrowed Words for Translation Studies” in International Conference of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan, October 07–09, 2015. Kinnaird College, Lahore http://www.iclap.org/ICLAP2015/
  8. Participated in Collaborative Language Research 2016 (CoLang2016) organized by Linguistic Society of America at University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA

Dr. Asim Karim

Published Research

  1. Karim Asim. 2004. Blutbruderschapt in Women in Love. Gomal University Journal of research. Vol 2004.
  2. Karim, Asim. 2010. Eugene O’Neill’s Concern with Sexuality and Behavioral Disorders, Studies in Language and Literature, Vol 1. No 1. pp 38-49.
  3. Karim, Asim. 2010. Trauma of Subjective Memory in Strange Interlude and Long Day’s Journey into Night. Asian Social Science. Vol 1, No 9. pp 156-166.
  4. Karim, Asim. 2011. O’Neill’s Treatment of Racism in All God’s Chillum and the Emperor Jones. Current Research Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 3, No 4. pp 334- 341 .
  5. Karim, Asim and Nasim Riaz Butt. 2011. Mothers in Eugene O’Neill’s Strange Interlude and Long Day’s Journey into Night. LiBRi: Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovations. Vol.. 1, No 2. 79-91.
  6. Karim, Asim and Nasim Riaz Butt. 2011. Ethical Crises in O’Neill’s Modern Theatre: Some Dimensions. Arts and Social Science Journal, Vol. 2011: ASSJ 32. Vol 2011. pp. 1-17.
  7. Karim, Asim and Nasim Riaz Butt. 2011. Religion and Human Behavior in Eugene O’Neill’s Plays. Studies in Language and Literature Vol 3. No 1. pp 68-76 .
  8. Karim, Asim. 2011. O’Neill’s use of Interior Monologue in strange Interlude. LiBRi: Linguistic and Literary Broad Research and Innovations. Vol 2. No 2. pp. 170-176.
  9. Karim, Asim and NR Butt. 2011. Creativity, Psychoanalysis, and Eugene O’Neill’s Creative Process. K@ta : a Biannual Publication on the Study of Language and Literature Vol 13. No 2. pp 236-248

Conference Presentations/Participations

  1. Presentation in International conference on E Teacher professional Development. August 11, 2010. UMBC, USA
  2. KARIM, ASIM. 2014. MULTICULTURALISM, DIALOGISM AND Intertextuality: Critique, exposition and Application. In First international Conference of Language and Literature on Modern and Contemporary language, Literature and Culture, April 14-16, 2014. Organized by Dept. of English GCU, Lahore Pakistan.
  3. Karim, Asim and Humaira Kalsoom. 2015. Naipaul travelogue and his Monologic perceptions about Islam and the Non-Arab Muslim world. National Conference on Language, Literature and Culture, April 15-16, 2015. Organized by Department of English language and Literature, ICBS, Lahore Pakistan.
  4. Karim, Asim. Feb 2016. Body, Power and transgression in Arundhati Roy’s The God Of small things. International Collaborative Conference on Education and Social sciences. Organized by UOL and Skoto State University Nigeria at UOL, Feb 26-28, 2016


  1. Participated in Conference on social sciences Organized by Lahore School of Economics (LSE) on April 4, 2014.
  2. Attended SYMPOSIUM. Humanities in English: Literature, language, linguistics and Criticism. Organized by Dept. of English. FCC College and University, Lahore on April 17, 2014.
  3. Participated in CONVERSATIONW WITH GAYATRI CHAKRAVARTY SPIVAK. Oct 29, 2014. FCC College Lahore.
  4. Attended Seminar Lecture on Team Work . Speaker Dr Dr Ali , UOL, Lahore

Zamir Naqvi Sb

Published Research

  1. Developing Listening Skills. Amozish ( vol. 2 – 2001) Journal of Education and Interdisciplinary Research Government College of Education, Lahore.
  2. Conversation: a participant-structured activity Journal of Social Sciences July 2004, Volume 1, Number 1, Government College University, Faisalabad.
  3. American English and the Tag of Colonial Lag. Journal of Social Sciences. August 2005, Vol 1, No.2 Govt. College University, Faisalabad.
  4. The Role of L1 in SLA. Journal of Social Sciences. August 2006, Vol 2, No.1. Government College University, Faisalabad.

Conference Presentations/Participations

  1. Presented in International Teachers’ Conference -Learning Teachers Learning Students – organized by Forman Christian College University (FCCU), Lahore, March 2011.
  2. Presented in 26th International ELT Conference, organized by SPELT (22 -24 October) –Mapping Unmapped Territories.
  3. Presented at International Teachers’ Conference – Innovating Classroom Practices Across Disciplines – Organized by FCCU, Lahore, on April21, 2007.
  4. Presented in International Teachers’ Conference ‘ Teaching Against the Tide – Creating Democratic Classroom’ at FCCU, Lahore, on April 26, 2008.
  5. Presented in International Conference ‘Learning Teaching at FCCU, on March 28, 2009.
  6. Participated in ‘Teaching-Learning Effectiveness Workshop’ at Institute of Leadership and Management, Lahore, 2000.
  7. Attended Second Annual Conference on Social Sciences at Lahore School of Economics, Lahore, on April 3 – 4 2014.
  8. Participated in TESOL Arabia 2001 – Challenges in the New Millennium, during 14, 15, 16 March 2001.
  9. Participated in the International Conference on Intercultural Communication at Kinnaird College, Lahore, on 4 – 5 December, 2004.
  10. Participated in the Fulbright sponsored The South Asian Teacher Training Project 2006 Winter Workshop, Lahore, on January 26,2006.
  11. Attended 22nd International ELT Conference of Society of Pakistan English Language Teachers – September 2006.

Nasreen Saeed
Farooq Malik