BS Data Science

The BSDS Programme is an exciting initiative of the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of IT. The programme explores the theoretical foundations of information and data science and chooses a practical approach to applied data analytics as a profession. The world we know today is inundated with information from databases, sensors, digital images, streaming video, online and financial transactions, satellite and medical imagery and more. A novel mix of subjects including computer programming, statistics, data analytics, relational and schema-less database environments, web development, programming for big data, software engineering, digital communications, machine learning, artificial intelligence and natural language processing help them build their skills and knowledge base to contribute professionally to the Big Data and IT industries and academia.


Each candidate for the BS Computer Science degree is required to successfully earn 133 Cr. Hrs. with the CGPA of 2.0 on a scale of 4.0 as per the following detail:

  • Sr. No. Category Cr. Hrs.
  • 1Computing Core 37
  • 2Computer Science Core 18
  • 3Data Science (Domain) Core 18
  • 4Math Science Foundation Courses 12
  • 5Humanities (Gen. Ed.) Courses18
  • 6DS Elective Courses 12
  • 7UCP Elective Courses 12
  • 8Design Project (FYP) 06
  • Total133

Note: Pre-Medical students are required to pass 2 additional mathematics deficiency courses of 6 credit hours within 1styear of their degree program.

Road Map

  • Year 1, Semester 1

    Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • 1DSCP1013Introduction to ComputingComputing Core3
  • 2DSCP1011Introduction to Computing LabComputing Core1
  • 3DSHU1643Logic Thinking (UCP Elective I)Uni Elective3
  • 4DSHU1633English Composition & ComprehensionHumanities3
  • 5DSSS1823Basic ElectronicsMath Science3
  • 6DSHU1613Pakistan StudiesHumanities3
  • Total16
  • Year 1, Semester 2

    Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • 1DSCP1023Programming FundamentalsComputing Core3
  • 2DSCP1021Programming Fundamentals LabComputing Core1
  • 3DSCS1523Digital Logic DesignCS Core3
  • 4DSCS1521Digital Logic Design LabCS Core1
  • 5DSSS1813Calculus and Analytical GeometryMath Science3
  • 6DSHU1663Communication & Presentation SkillsHumanities3
  • 6DSHU1623Islamic StudiesHumanities3
  • Total17

  • Year 2, Semester 3

    Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • 1DSCP2033Object Oriented ProgrammingComputing Core3
  • 2DSCP2031Object Oriented Programming LabComputing Core1
  • 3DSCS2543Computer Org. & Assembly Lang.CS Core3
  • 4DSCS2541Computer Org. & Assembly Lang. LabCS Core1
  • 5DSDS1113Fundamentals of Data ScienceComputing Core3
  • 6DSAL2513Discrete StructuresComputing Core3
  • 7DSXXxxx3UCP Elective IIUni Elective3
  • Total17
  • Year 2, Semester 4

    Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • 1DSSS2863Probability and StatisticsMath Science3
  • 2DSCP2043Data Structures and AlgorithmsComputing Core3
  • 3DSCP2041Data Structures and Algorithms LabComputing Core1
  • 4DSDB2313Introduction to Database SystemsComputing Core3
  • 5DSDB2311Introduction to Database Systems LabComputing Core1
  • 6DSSS2873Linear AlgebraMath Science3
  • 7DSXXxxx3DS Elective IDS Elective3
  • Total17

  • Year 3, Semester 5

    Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • 1DSSD3213Software EngineeringComputing Core3
  • 2DSNS3413Operating SystemsComputing Core3
  • 3DSNS3111Operating Systems LabComputing Core1
  • 4DSSS2853Applied Statistics DS Core3
  • 5DSXXxxx3DS Elective IIDS Elective3
  • 6DSAL3523Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsCS Core3
  • Total16
  • Year 3, Semester 6

    Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • 1DSDS4473Big Data AnalyticsDS Core3
  • 2DSAL3533Artificial Intelligence CS Core3
  • 3DSAL3531Artificial Intelligence LabCS Core1
  • 4DSNS3423Computer Comm. and NetworksComputing Core3
  • 5DSNS3421Computer Comm. and Networks LabComputing Core1
  • 6DSXXxxx3DS Elective III DS Elective3
  • 7DSHU2673Technical and Business WritingHumanities3
  • Total17

  • Year 4, Semester 7

    Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • 1DSNS4433Information SecurityComputing Core3
  • 2DSDS3163Exploratory Data Analysis & Visualiza-tionDS Core3
  • 3DSDB3333Data MiningDS Core3
  • 4DSXXxxx3UCP Elective IIIUni Elective3
  • 5DSXXxxx3DS Elective IVDS Elective3
  • 6DSSD4913Final Year Project ICore3
  • Total18
  • Year 4, Semester 8

    Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • 1DSNS3483Parallel and Distributed ComputingCS Core3
  • 2DSGE4753Professional PracticesHumanities3
  • 3DSDS4153Data Warehousing & Business IntelligenceDS Core3
  • 4DSXXxxx3UCP Elective IVUni Elective3
  • 5DSSD4923Final Year Project IICore3
  • Total15

Admission Criteria

To apply for BS Data Science, a candidate must have at least 50% marks in F.Sc. Pre-Engineering/ICS or equivalent. All applicants are required to pass UCP Admission Test.


This degree programme prepares students to work in various fields, as data science is required throughout the world to help make the flow of knowledge and information easier to learn from, access, and use. The graduates shall be responsible for taking facts, statistics, and numbers and turning them into valuable and understandable information in nearly every avenue of the industrialized world. With data science booming in real estate, financial, health, lifestyle, manufacturing and automation, as a graduate of BSDS you’ll have the option to venture into all these and many different sectors and work in a data-driven role. Or you might decide to deepen your knowledge with a postgraduate degree in the same field, such as our MS Data Science.

Fee Structure

BS Data Science ( 4 yrs, 8 semesters)

  • 1BS Data Science25,00011,27013315,23,910


The above-mentioned fee structure is for illustration purpose only. UCP reserves the rights to make changes in the Fee Structure whenever deemed necessary or appropriate.

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