Dr. Muhammad Rafiq becomes the Guest Editor for Journal of Computers, Materials & Continua (CMC)

UCP is honored to announce, Dr. Muhammad Rafiq (Associate Professor at UCP Engineering School) has become Guest Editor of the Journal of Computers, Materials & Continua (CMC) for the Special Issue on Mathematical aspects of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Analysis and Control. The journal has an impact factor of 3.024.

Autobiography: Dr. Muhammad Rafiq has been working as an Associate Professor at UCP for 13 years. His areas of specialization include Applied Mathematics, Numerical Modeling, and Mathematical Biology. He has published 13 journal papers in the first four months of the year 2020. UCP Family would like to congratulate him on this remarkable achievement. The total impact factor by Dr. Rafiq for the year 2020 is more than 31. Dr. Rafiq has more than 55 journal papers to date.

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