January 22, 2018
January 22, 2018
University of Central Punjab, Johar Town, Lahore. View mapCHARACTER BUILDING SOCIETY organized an Event named
“ESCALATING WORTY PERCEPTIONS” on 22nd January, 2018. The theme of this event was “shape of one’s soul.”
Pakistan’s Society is encircled with ambiguous peripherals of innate morals and that we as a nation are unable to differentiate between the right and wrong. People have forgotten their values, their Roles as a parent! As a teacher! As a peer…and society is teaching us what we are not supposed to be taught…
CBS organized this event to find out that what is going wrong as a nation and what should be done for shaping our own souls as well as of those who are around us.
In order to explain this topic, 4 motivational speakers were invited which were:
Ahmed Fuad: Corporate Training Specialist
Rizwan Ullah Khan: CEO RFT Brains
Shahid Zaman Khokher, Trainer: Motivational Speaker, Social Entrepreneur, and Radio Broadcaster
Ashbah Kamran: Works for Learning Disabilities in Pakistan since 2004