Course Outline
- An overview of environmental and resource economics;
- Optimal extraction of non-renewable resources;
- Imperfect competition in natural resource markets
- International trade and natural resources;
- The economics of water use;
- The economics of energy;
- Externalities; endogenous environmental risk;
- Standard vs. taxes in population control;
- Tradable permits in economic theory;
- Comparison of instruments of environmental policy; Cost-
- benefit analysis of environmental policy and management.
Reference Books
- Andrson, David A. 2013. Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management.
- Callan, Scott J., Janet M. Thomas. Environmental Economics and Management: Theory, Policy, and Applications. Cengage Learning.
- Field, Barry, and Martha K. Field. 2008. Environmental Economics. McGraw-Hill.
- Hanley, Nick, Jason Shogren, and Ben White. Environmental Economics: In Theory and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Howe, Charles W. 1979. Natural Resource Economics: Issues, Analysis and Policy. New
York: Willey and Sons Inc. - Tietenberg, Tom. (1998). Environmental Economics and Policy. 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley.