Course Outline
- Introduction and Overview
- The Previous Waves of Globalization
- The First Wave of Globalization (The end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX Century)
- The Second Wave of Globalization (1945-80)
- The Present Wave of Globalization
- The forces that drive the trade flows: the role of the WTO
- Regional Economic Integration Processes.
- Global Capital Flows
- FDI flows, Portfolio Flows and others.
- Financial Crises: Banking and Balance of Payments Crisis
- Multinational Enterprises
- The Labour Markets
- Globalization and Culture,
- Globalization and Environment: A new challenge, Globalization and Politics
Reference Books
- Brawley, Mark R.; (2002). The Politics of Globalization. Broadview Press. 2002.
- Deardorff, Alan V.; Stern, Robert M. (2000) “What the Public Should Know about Globalization and The World Trade Organization” The University of Michigan Discussion Paper No 460
- Friedman, Thomas L. (1999). The Lexus and the Olive Tree. Farrar, Straus, and Grioux.
- Hausman, Ricardo; Fernández Arias, Eduardo (2000) “Foreign Direct Investment. GoodCholesterol?” Inter-American Development Bank Research Department.
- Held, David and McGrew, Anthony (2002) “(Mis) Managing the World.” Chapter 6 (pp. 58-76) in Globalization/Anti-Globalization. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press.