Course objectives:
The main objective of this course will be to understand basic concepts in statistical research, to carry out statistical techniques of data analysis manually and to perform statistical analysis using SPSS. This will also help in the interpretation and discussion of the results.
Course Description:
This course has been designed to train the students in theoretical as well as applied statistics, with particular reference to psychology. The statistical analysis is a very essential part of psychological research and students need to grasp the concepts, theoretical rationale, use of certain statistical analysis, and also to learn to carry out thesis analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics, correlation, regression and probability are the main areas that are expected to be covered in this course.
Recommended Books:
- Collins, M., & Drever.J.(1994).A first laboratory guideline in psychology. London: Methuen.
- Guilford, J. P., & Fruchter, B. (1978). Fundamental statistics in psychology and education. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Henry, E. & Garrett, T. E. (1975). Statistics in psychology and education. New York: Longman Publishers.
- Howell, D. C., & Cole, B. (1994). Fundamental statistics for the behavioral sciences. Australia: Thomson, Brooks.
- Postman, L. J. & Egan, J. (2001). Experimental psychology: An introduction NewDelhi: Kalyan Publishers.
- Trevor, G. B. & Christine, M. F. (2001).Applying the rasch model: fundamental measurement in the human sciences. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.