This is the second part of the course. In this module students will learn about the civil service laws and rules. It will also discuss the mechanism of administrative rules of procedure relating to efficiency and discipline related matters and the functioning of civil service tribunal.
Recommended Reading:
1. Cornelius, A. R. Law and Judiciary in Pakistan (SM Haider ed.) Lahore: Lahore Law Times, 1981. (Selected Topics on Administrative Law and Administrative Tribunals).
2. Langah, Shahzado. Civil Service Laws in Pakistan. Islamabad: National Book Foundation, 2009.
3. Nagi, Mazhar Ilyas. Civil Service Laws. Karachi: Pakistan Law House, 2005.
4. The Text of Service Tribunal Act, 1973 with commentary.
5. The Text of the Civil Servants Act, 1973 with commentary.
6. The Text of the Government Servants (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules, 1973.