This course will be introducing basic concepts in the law of torts, which deals with the rights and obligations of private parties arising out of civil wrongs. The course will include an in-depth study of the modern tort of negligence, interference with the person and property as well as considering the related tort of nuisance. It will also cover the intentional and accidental torts, including assault, battery, trespass, false imprisonment and the tort of breach of statutory duty, and will conclude with a brief examination of remedies and vicarious liability.
Recommended Reading:
1. Baker C. D. Tort, 6th edn. London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1996.
2. Buckley Richard A. The Law of Negligence, 4th edn. Nagpur: LexisNexis, 2010 (2nd I rpt.).
3. Chaudhry A. M. Law of Torts. Lahore: PLD (latest edn)).
4. Harpwood, Vivienne. Modern Tort and Law, 7th edn. Oxon: Routledge-Cavendish, 2009.
5. Markesinis, B. S. and Deakin, S. F. Tort Law, 3rded. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994.
6. Murphy, John. Street on Tort, 12th edn. Oxford: OUP, 2007.
7. Rogers, W.V.H. Winfield and Jolowicz on Tort, 18th re. edn. London: Sweet and Maxwell, 2010.
8. Schwartz Victor E. et al, Prosser, Wade, and Schwartz’s Torts: Cases and Materials, 12th edn. New York: Foundation Press, 2010.
9. Singh, Justice JP. Ratanlal and Dhirajlal’s, The Law of Torts, 26th edn. Nagpur: LexisNexis, 2010.