This is the second part of the course on legal drafting. In this component students will learn about drafting legal instruments such as Deeds of Sale, Agreements, Affidavits, Gifts, Guarantee, Notices, Mortgages and Leases. Instructions will be given on effective legal drafting skills through lectures and written exercises.
Recommended Reading:
- Bhandari. M. C. Practical Approach to Deeds and Documents, 2nd edn. New Delhi: Ashoka Law House, 2008.
- Chaudhry, Nasim Sabir. The Art of Pleadings and Conveyancing (English and Urdu). Lahore: Imran Law, n.d.
- Kumar, H. L. Legal Drafting. New Delhi: Universal, 2010.
- To enhance the practical skills of students and improve theoretical knowledge acquired during semester VII and VIII, compulsory court-visits will be arranged under the proper supervision of faculty-members. The institutions shall maintain proper record of such visits and suitable amount of weighting/ credit shall be given for such visits.