BS Human Nutrition & Dietetics

Rationale of Program

The proper nutrition at the right time is essential for human health and survival. In Pakistan, nutrition has been a least priority area because of unawareness of public towards proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle.  Despite an increase in per capita food availability, calorie and protein intake, the prevalence of malnutrition has not improved over the last 20 years. Pakistan has been reported to have one of the highest prevalence of child and women malnutrition among other developing counties. A high proportion of children in Pakistan were severely stunted (12.5%), severely wasted (2.2%), and severely underweight (6%). Similarly, 24.3 % of urban women have obesity issues due to improper nutrition, while 5.5 % of rural women suffer from underweight issues due to malnutrition. Only 38 percent of children are exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life. As a result, more than half the children under five years of age are deficient in vitamin A, 40 percent are deficient in both zinc and vitamin D, and nearly 62 percent are anemic.  The main risk factors for a child’s poor nutritional status include low household wealth, impure food in urban residences, and mothers’ less awareness about nutrition.

Nutrient deficiencies are propagated by multiple factors like dietary insufficiencies of micronutrients, poor maternal & child health, and a high burden of morbidity, resulting in growth retardation, mental impairment and various types of physical disabilities. The current scenario demands serious efforts with strong social support to strengthen the nutritional training and education for vulnerable groups of society such as children, elderly pregnant and lactating women, and disabled individuals. In addition, we should also develop long term and sustainable approaches to prevent and cure diseases by educating the generation about the importance of nutrition, diet planning and therapy.


Realizing the importance of nutrition in human life, the Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Central Punjab, Lahore planned to initiate a four (4) years degree program, BS Human Nutrition and Dietetics (HND). BS-HND degree program will enable the students to utilize their knowledge to assess food composition and its effect on human health. The program will equip the students to analyze a population’s nutritional status, give nutritional awareness, and develop innovative and nutritious food products with allied health benefits for social benefits.

Students will develop a knowledge-based scientific approach towards nutrition to understand the significance of nutrition in improving human health and lifestyle. In addition, they will also gain an ability to use advanced research-based knowledge in promoting healthy lifestyle as well as prevention and management of diseases and can work for the betterment of community health. Hence, the graduates will be able to deliver high-quality research-oriented, and innovative interventions for bringing about modifications in meal patterns and food choices, with the ultimate goal of improving the health of individuals, families, and communities.


  • The minimum duration requirement for the award of degree shall be four years divided into eight regular semesters; whereas the maximum allowed time shall be seven years divided into 14 regular semesters.
  • Last semester will be utilized for an internship/house job
  • Fall and Spring semester in each year
  • Summer semester will be utilized for deficiency courses or internship

Degree Requirements

  • Each candidate for the BS Human Nutrition and Dietetics (HND) degree must successfully earn 125 Cr. Hrs. with the CGPA of 2.0 on a scale of 4.0.
  • The degree program fulfills all the curriculum requirements per HEC criteria, comprising of Foundation, General, Supporting and HND Core Courses. The basic training on Research projects, Dissertations, Internships and Report Writing will also be imparted during 7th and 8th semesters, completion of which will be mandatory for the award of degree

Road Map

Scheme of Studies


Semester-I (18 Cr. Hrs.)

  • Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • HN1101Fundamentals of Human NutritionFoundation3
  • PAK101Pakistan StudiesInter Department2
  • HN1202Essentials of BiochemistryGeneral2
  • HN1201Essentials of Biochemistry-LabGeneral1
  • HNCS1003Introduction to Information TechnologyInter Department3
  • MAT 101Mathematics IInter Department3
  • ENG 101English IInter Department3
  • ENT101Fundamentals of EntrepreneurshipInter Department1

Semester-II (18 Cr. Hrs.)

  • Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • FS1102Introduction to Food Science and TechnologyGeneral2
  • FS1101Introduction to Food Science and Technology-LabGeneral1
  • HN1113Macronutrients in Human NutritionCore3
  • FS1602Food Processing & PreservationGeneral2
  • FS1601Food Processing & Preservation-LabGeneral1
  • ENG102English-IIInter Department3
  • HN1122Assessment of Nutritional StatusFoundation2
  • HN1121Assessment of Nutritional Status-LabFoundation1
  • HN1213Metabolism of Basic NutrientsCore3


Semester-III (17 Cr. Hrs.)

  • Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • FS2312Food MicrobiologyGeneral2
  • FS2311Food Microbiology-LabGeneral1
  • HN2602Fundamentals of Human AnatomyInter Department2
  • HN2601Fundamentals of Human Anatomy-LabInter Department1
  • HN2612Human Physiology-IInter Department2
  • HN2611Human Physiology-I-LabInter Department1
  • HN2133Micronutrients in Human NutritionCore3
  • ISL201Islamic StudiesInter Department2
  • STS 101Statistics IInter Department3

Semester-IV (19 Cr. Hrs.)

  • Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • HN2622Human Physiology – IIInter Department2
  • HN2621Human Physiology – II-LabInter Department1
  • HN2143Nutrition Through the Life CycleFoundation3
  • HN4702Introductory Molecular GeneticsCore2
  • HN2343Functional and Nutraceutical FoodsGeneral3
  • HN2502Public Health Nutrition and SustainabilityCore2
  • HN2501Public Health Nutrition and Sustainability-LabCore1
  • STS 201Statistics IIInter Department3
  • HN2352Food and Drug LawsCore2


Semester-V (18 Cr. Hrs.)

  • Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • HN3632General pathologyInter Department2
  • HN3631General pathology-LabInter Department1
  • HN3513Nutritional DisordersCore3
  • FS3432Food AnalysisGeneral2
  • FS3431Food Analysis-LabGeneral1
  • HN3402Dietetics-IFoundation2
  • HN3401Dietetics-I-LabFoundation1
  • HN3153Nutrition Policies and ProgramsCore3
  • HN3523Nutritional ImmunologyCore3

Semester-VI (18 Cr. Hrs.)

  • Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • HN3412Meal Planning and ManagementCore2
  • HN3411Meal Planning and Management-LabCore1
  • HN3373Food Service ManagementGeneral3
  • HN3422Dietetics-IICore2
  • HN3421Dietetics-II-LabCore1
  • HN3152Sports NutritionFoundation2
  • HN3151Sports Nutrition-LabFoundation1
  • HN3533Nutrition in EmergenciesCore3
  • FS3383Fundamentals of Halal foodsGeneral3


Semester-VII (17 Cr. Hrs.)

  • Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • HN4432Dietetics-IIICore2
  • HN4431Dietetics-III-LabCore1
  • HN4162Infant and Young Child FeedingFoundation2
  • HN4161Infant and Young Child Feeding-LabFoundation1
  • HN4222Clinical BiochemistryGeneral2
  • HN4221Clinical Biochemistry-LabGeneral1
  • FSHU4053Research Methodology & SkillsGeneral3

Semester-VIII (10 Cr. Hrs.)

  • Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • FS4916Internship & Report WritingProject6
  • FS4924Research ProjectProject4
  • Total Cr. Hrs. =135

List of Elective Courses (2 courses equal to 5 credit hours)

  • Course Code Course Title Category Cr. Hrs.
  • HN4552Nutritional Practices in Clinical CareCore2
  • HN4551Nutritional Practices in Clinical Care-LabCore1
  • HN4563Preventive NutritionCore3
  • HN4393Food Toxins & AllergensGeneral3
  • HN4572Nutrition and PsychologyGeneral2
  • HN4172Nutritional Education and AwarenessFoundation2
  • HN4171Nutritional Education and Awareness-LabFoundation1
  • HN4582Drug Nutrient and InteractionCore2
  • HN4442Food SupplementsFoundation2
  • HN4592Nutrition EpidemiologyCore2
  • FS2213Food ChemistryFoundation3
  • HN4242Metabolism of NutrientsCore2

Admission Criteria

The eligibility criteria for admission in the program shall be as follows:
  1. Successful completion of at least 12 years of education i.e. F.Sc. Pre-Medical (or equivalent)/A level securing at least 50% marks.
  2. Qualified the admission test of the undergraduate program, but the applicants who have taken HEC approved test may be exempted from the admission test
In case of foreign qualification, an applicant shall be required to provide Inter Board Committee of Chairmen (IBCC) certification.


The program aims to develop graduates to serve in both academia and industry as a teacher, nutrition researcher, clinical nutritionist & dietitian, nutrition supervisor, nutrition and health expert, weight management expert and therapeutic diet planner. Graduates can carve the opportunities in international organizations like UNICEF, UNDP, WHO, FAO, World Bank etc. The graduates will also have an opportunity to run their own nutrition and fitness clinic.

Our vision and mission

The vision of the BS Human Nutrition and Dietetics (HND) is to promote human health and well-being through education, research and public engagement in nutritional sciences. This degree aims to promote a culturally diverse and academically excellent educational and research environment by providing high quality nutrition education and skills; discover dietary sources and serve the community through participation in nutrition-related activities and increase the awareness of nutritional science at the national and international level.

Learning Outcomes

  • Integrate knowledge from the biological and social sciences to address nutrition and health problems facing individuals, societies, and governments.• Demonstrate an understanding of the complex and evolving nature of scientific knowledge in promoting health and etiology and prevention of disease.
  • Demonstrate the ability to access and critically evaluate scientific information from the primary research literature to investigate the influences of nutrition and other environmental factors in human health and disease.
  • Develop strategies to handle nutrition related health issues and communicate these strategies and these outcomes to community and lay/target audiences.
  • Establish knowledge of ethical principles, considerations, and dilemmas relevant to the research and practice of nutrition.

Fee Structure

BS Human Nutrition & Dietetics (4 yrs, 8 semesters)

  • 1BS Human Nutrition & Dietetics25,0008,73613512,04,360


The above-mentioned fee structure is for illustration purpose only. UCP reserves the rights to make changes in the Fee Structure whenever deemed necessary or appropriate.

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