Course Objectives:
Students will be able to acquire knowledge and develop understanding about the fundamental principles of environmental chemistry and different types of pollutions. Such information will be useful in studying and solving pollution related issues and experiments in the laboratory.
Course Contents:
Atmospheric Pollution:
The atmosphere, composition, temperature and pressure profile, role of free radicals in the atmosphere, temperature inversion and photochemical smog, particulate matter in the atmosphere, Industrial pollutants, atmospheric aerosols, acid-rain major sources, mechanism, control measures and effects on buildings and vegetation, global warming, major greenhouse gases, mechanism, control measures and global impact, the stratospheric ozone–the ozone hole, CFCs, ozone protection, biological consequences of ozone depletion.
Water Pollution:
Water pollution and waste water treatment, municipal, industrial and agricultural sources of pollution, heavy metals contamination of water, eutrophication, detergents and phosphates in water, water quality criteria, water purification: primary, secondary and advanced treatment, removal of nitrogen and phosphorous compounds from polluted water, organic matter in water and its decomposition.
Land pollution:
Soil and mineral resources, general principles of metal extraction, heavy metals contamination of soil, toxicity of heavy metals, bio-accumulation of heavy metals, organic matter in soil, macro and micro-nutrients in soil, ion- exchange in soil, soil pH and nutrients availability.
Green Chemistry:
Atom economy, integrated pests management control (IPMC), ionic liquids, super critical extraction technology, green synthesis, recycling, carbon dioxide sequestering, water based paints.