Dr. M. Azmat Ullah Khan

Dr. M. Azmat Ullah Khan

Dr. M. Azmat Ullah Khan


Dr. Muhammad Azmat Ullah Khan completed his PhD from CEMB, University of the Punjab (CGPA 4.00/4.00). He has done part of his research from University of Arizona, United States. Moreover he has Gold Medal in BSc (Hons.) in Agriculture (Plant Pathology) from University of the Punjab. His core expertise is in the field of Molecular Biology & Microbiology Techniques i.e., Nucleic Acid Isolation , Rolling Circle Amplification (RCA), RT-PCR,  Plasmid Construction, Protein Extraction & Quantification and genetic modification. He has published more than 20 research articles in peer reviewed journals along with 5 books, 2 book chapter and various abstracts.

  • Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity
  • GMO Technology
  • Microbial Biotechnology
  • Recombinant DNA Technology
  • Techniques in Biotechnology
  • Advance Recombinant DNA Technology
  • Advance Techniques in Biotechnology
  • Frontiers in Microbiology


  • PhD (Molecular Biology (Microbiology)) 2011 – 2015. Center for Excellence in Molecular Biology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • M. Phil. (Molecular Biology (Microbiology)) 2011 Center for Excellence in Molecular Biology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) (Agriculture (Plant Pathology)) 2008 Institute of Agricultural Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.


  • March 2016-till date Assistant Professor, Microbiology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Central Punjab
  • Oct 2015- March 2016 Senior Research Associate, HEC project, CEMB, University of the Punjab. Biosafety studies of Transgenic crops on animals
  • May 2014- Sep 2015 Research Associate, PARB project#127, CEMB, University of the Punjab
  • Aug 2013 – Jan 2014 Designated Campus Colleague University of Arizona
  • 2008-2013 Research Scholar, Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology, University of the Punjab
  • 2 years – June 2011-July 2013 Molecular biologist in Bio clinical lab Pakistan
  • 8 years in various commercials labs for TB, HCV, HBV, HDV, & HPV detection Molecular Biologist in Diagnostics


  • First time ever Development of probe base Real Time detection of CLCuV along with standards
  • Gold Medal in BS in Agriculture (Plant Pathology)
  • First report of virus symptoms in wax mutant of Asiatic cotton (Gossypium arboreum)
  • Identification on new wax compound in cotton
  • Designing of Chlamydia trachomatis primer for strain detection

Fellowship and Awards

  • Gold Medal from University of the Punjab ( BSc Hons in Agriculture)
  • (2010-2013) 5000 Indigenous PhD scholar ship offered by Higher education commission Pakistan
  • 2013 International Research Support initiative fellowship for 6 months from Higher education commission Pakistan
  • (2005 – 2008) University of the Punjab Merit Scholarship
  • Throughout top at school level

Software skills

  • Molecular software Skills CLC viewer, DNA Star, Primer 3 , Mega 5, Chem Draw 13, Openeye, Protein Docking Software, Primer Designing, Restriction Analysis, Translation and Reverse Translation, Sequence Blast
  • General Software Skills Statistics Software (SPSS & Minitab), Adobe photoshop, Prezi, MS Office (Word, Publisher, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, FrontPage, Outlook), Document Scanning, Editing and Printing, Internet (Web Browsing, data search and email)



    • Arif A, Khan B, Kanwal S, Khan MAU (2016). Alteration in the amount of DNA and protein in bacterial cells by UV light and ethyl methane sulphonate. Pure and Applied Biology 5(4): 1216-1224.
    • Yaqoob A, Shahid AA, Samiullah TR, Rao AQ, Khan MAU, Tahir S, Mirza SA, Husnain T (2016). Risk assessment of Bt crops on the non‐target plant associated insects and soil organisms. Journal of the science of food and agriculture 96: 2613–2619.
    • Adnan M, Ali M, Haider A and Khan MAU (2015). Survey of District Sialkot for the Infestation of Parthenium hysterophorus. 5 (1): 111-121. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare.
    • Khan MAU, Shahid AA, Rao AQ,  Shahid N, Latif A, Din SU and Husnain T (2015). Defense strategies of cotton against whitefly transmitted Begomoviruses. 2 (2): 58-66. Advancements in Life Sciences.
    • Muzaffar A, Kiani S, Khan MAU, Rao AQ, Ali A, Awan MF, Iqbal A, Nasir IA, Shahid AA, and Husnain T (2015). Chloroplast localization of the Cry1Ac and Cry2A proteins: an alternative method of insect control in cotton. Biological Research 48:14.
    • Khan MAU, Shahid AA, Rao AQ, Azam S, Ahmad M, Aftab A and Husnan T (2015). Comparison of different species of cotton for the transmission of CLCuV through whitefly. Mycopath. 13 (1): 57-66.
    • Rao AQ, Khan MAU, Shahid N, Din S, Gul A, Muazzafar A, Azam S, Samiullah TR, Shahid AA and Husnain T (2015). An overview of phytochrome: An important light switch and photosensory antenna for regulation of vital functioning of plants. Biologia. 70(10): 1273-1283.
    • Latif A, Rao AQ, Khan MAU, Shahid N, Bajwa KS, Ashraf MA, Abbad A,Azam M, Shahid AA, Nasir IA and Tayyab Husnain (2015). Herbicide-resistant cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) plants: an alternative way of manual weed removal. BMC Research Notes 8:453.
    • Ahmad A, Javed MR, Rao AQ, Khan MAU, Ahad A, Din SU, Shahid AA and Husnain T (2015). In-Silico Determination of Insecticidal Potential of Vip3Aa-Cry1Ac Fusion Protein Against Lepidopteran Targets Using Molecular Docking. Frontiers in Plant Sciences.6:1081.
    • Khan MAU, Shahid AA, Rao AQ, Bajwa KS, Samiullah TR, Muzaffar A, Nasir IA and Husnan T (2015). Molecular and Biochemical Characterization of Cotton Epicuticular Wax in Defense against Cotton Leaf Curl Disease (CLCuD). Iranian Journal of Biotechnology, 13(4): 10-16.
    • Shahid N, Tahir S, Rao AQ, Hassan S, Khan A, Latif A, Khan MAU, Tabbasum B, Shahid AA, Zafar AU and Tayab Husnain (2015). E.coli Expression of NDV Fusion Protein Gene and Determination of its Antigenic Epitopes. Biologia. 70:12: 1553—1564.
    • Ashraf MA, Shahid AA, Mohamed BB, Dahab AA, Bajwa KS, Rao AQ, Khan MAU, Ilyas M, Haider MS and Husnain T (2013). Molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis of a variant of highly infectious cotton leaf curl Burewala virus associated with CLCuD from Pakistan.  Australian Journal of Crop Science 7(8):1113-1122.
    • Bajwa KS, Shahid A.A, Rao AQ, Kiani MS,Ashraf MA, Dahab AA, Bakhsh A, Latif A, Khan MAU, Puspito AN, Aftab A, Bashir A and Husnain T (2013). Expression of Calotropis procera expansin gene CpEXPA3 enhances cotton fibre strength. Australian journal of crop science 7(2): 206-212.
    • Rao AQ, Rehman M, Samiullah TR, Khan MAU, Baksh A, SHahih AA and Husnain T (2013). Variation in expression of Phytochrome B gene in Cotton (Gossypium L.) 15 (5): 1033-1042. Journal of Science and Technology Iran.
    • Rahman M, Hussain K , Khan MAU, Bakhsh A and Rao AQ (2012). An insight of cotton leaf curl virus: a devastating plant pathogenic Begomovirus Pure Appl. Bio., 1(3): 52-58.
    • Khan MAU, Shahid A.A, Rao A.Q and Husnain T (2011). Role of Epicuticular waxes in the Susceptibility of Gossypium arboreum Cotton to CLCuV. African Journal of Biotechnology 10 (77), pp. 17868-17874.


  • Khan M.A.U., Rao A.Q., and Shahid A.A (2012). Epicuticular wax barrier in cotton. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8484-3794-8
  • Alvi M. A., Khan M.A.U., Ali M. (2011). Parthenium its survey and competition with weeds and vegetables. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing , Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8465-2341-4.
  • Khan M.A.U., Rao A.Q., and Shahid A.A (2011). Epicuticular wax as a mechanical barrier in transmission of clcuv. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Germany. (2011-09-02) – ISBN: 978-3-639-38065-1.
  • Abid M., Khan M.A.U., and Shakil A., (2011). Bioconversion efficacy of pleurotus by using different agro-wastes. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8465-0201-3

Book Chapters

  • Rao AQ, Ali MA, Khan MAU, Bajwa KS, Iqbal A, Iqbal T, Shahid AA, Nasir IA and Husnain T (2016). Science Behind Cotton Transformation, Cotton Research, Prof. Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/64888.
  • Rao AQ, Din SU, Akhtar S, Sarwar MB, Ahmed M, Rashid B, Khan MAU, Qaisar U, Shahid AA, Nasir IA and Husnain T (2016). Genomics of Salinity Tolerance in Plants, Plant Genomics, Dr. Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov (Ed.), InTech, DOI: 10.5772/63361.


  • Tariq F, Khan MAU, Saleem MA (2017) Microbes in Therapeutics. Proceedings of 37th International Congress of Zoology, GC University Faisalabad, Pakistan.
  • Sattar S, Javid A, Khan MAU (2017). Purification and characterization of uricase enzyme isolated from Bacillus spp. Proceedings of 37th International Congress of Zoology, GC University Faisalabad, Pakistan.
  • Shaukat A, Oneeb M, Maqbool A, Rashid MI, Shabbir MZ, Naeem H, Khan MAU (2017). Development of molecular tools for the diagnosis of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium faliciparum using cytochrome c oxidase gene. Proceedings of 37th International Congress of Zoology, GC University Faisalabad, Pakistan.
  • Ahmed M, Shahid AA, Rao AQ, Bajwa KS, Khan MAU and Husnain T (2016). Factors affecting fiber development in cotton. Proccedeings 36th International Congress of Zoology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
  • Khan MAU, Shahid AA, Rao AQ, Samiullah TR and Husnain T. (2015). Development of Taqman Probe based qPCR for CLCuV detection. Proceedings of International Symposium on Advances in Molecular Biology of Plants and Health Sciences. 29-31 CEMB, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
  • Din SU, Rao AQ, Khan MAU, Ahmad M, Tahir S, Nadeem and Husnain T (2015 ). Control of cotton insect through modified combination of Bt and plant lectin genes. Proceedings of International Symposium on Advances in Molecular Biology of Plants and Health Sciences. 29-31 CEMB, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
  • Tahir S, Shahid N, Rao AQ, Latif A, Azam S, Khan MAU, Shahid AA, and Husnain T (2015). Expression, purification and bioinformatics analysis of NDV capsid proteins. Proceedings of International Symposium on Advances in Molecular Biology of Plants and Health Sciences. 29-31 CEMB, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
  • Gul A, Rao AQ, Khan MAU, Latif A, Bajwa KS, Iqbal T, Ahmad M, Ahad A and Husnain T (2015). Overexpression of Aspartate in Cotton against Sucking Insects. Proceedings of International Symposium on Advances in Molecular Biology of Plants and Health Sciences. 29-31 CEMB, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
  • Yaqoob A, Shahid AA Samiullah TR, Rao AQ, Khan MAU, Bajwa KS and Husnain T (2015). Biosafety assessment of transgenic crops at CEMB. Proceedings of International Symposium on Advances in Molecular Biology of Plants and Health Sciences. 29-31 CEMB, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
  • Ahmad A, Shahid AA, Rao AQ, Din SU, Akhtar S, Khan MAU, Bajwa KS, Ahad A, Gul A, Abbas MA, and Husnain T (2015). Improvement of cotton fibre quality by overexpression of SuS gene. Proceedings of International Symposium on Advances in Molecular Biology of Plants and Health Sciences. 29-31 CEMB, University of the Punjab, Lahore.

Training and Certification

  • Presenter in 37th Pakistan Congress of Zoology, Faisalabad, 2017
  • 4th International Conference on Biology and Computer Sciences, CUST Islamabad, 2017
  • Strengthening & Sustaining a Network of Public and Animal Health Clinical Laboratories in Pakistan, 2016
  • Lab Quality management System Training – Pakistan, 2016
  • International Symposium on infectious disease, prevention and control, 2016
  • ICGEB- Course on Basic Biotechnology Techniques, 2016
  • Presenter in International Symposium on Molecular Biology of Plant and Health Sciences, 2015.
  • Transgenic Plant in Perspective in Microbiological Application 2014
  • Development and Testing of Transgenic for CLCuV resistance -2014
  • Applied Chemical, Biological, and Aquatic Sciences – 2014
  • Invention to Innovation Summit – 2013
  • General Laboratory and biochemical safety training – University of Arizona, 2013
  • Plant Biohazard Protection Course – University of Arizona, 2013
  • Globally Harmonized system training – University of Arizona, 2013
  • Blood Born pathogen training certification- University of Arizona, 2013
  • Conflict of interest training programme certification- University of Arizona, 2013
  • Application of Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture
  • National young Scientist Conference 2012
  • One Month Viral Detection Training in School of Biological Sciences, Punjab University, 2010
  • Three Months Internship In Central Cotton Research Institute Multan, 2008

042-35880007 Ext: 451
University of central Punjab Faculty of Life Sciences

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