Dr. Zain Ul Abadin Zafar
Assistant Professor
Ext: 04235880007
Dr. Zain Ul Abadin Zafar has completed PhD and M. Phil in Mathematics from University of Engineering & Technology Lahore. His area of research is numerical solutions of fractional order differential equations. He has completed his higher education from renowned Universities of Pakistan. He did his MSc from the Punjab University, Lahore.
In teaching, he has served twenty years as a senior mathematics consultant in PIPS School System, Lahore, one year as visiting lecturer in Minhaj University, Lahore. In February 2012, he Joined in Faculty of Engineering of University of Central Punjab as a visiting Lecturer. In February 2014, he joined the Faculty of Information Technology as a Lecturer. Since September 2019, he is working in Faculty of Science in University of Central Punjab as an assistant professor. He has taught various courses of mathematics, like calculus, multivariate calculus, Linear algebra, differential equations, numerical computing etc.
PhD | Mathematics | UET Lahore | 2018 |
M.Phil | Mathematics | UET Lahore | 2012 |
M.Sc | Mathematics | University of the Punjab | 1988 |
BSC | Mathematics & Physics | Govt. College of Science, Lahore | 1986 |
F.Sc. | Pre-Engineering | Govt. Islamia College Railway Road, Lahore | 1983 |
Matric | Science | BISE Lahore | 1980 |
Assistant Professor | UCP | 2014 to date |
Visiting Lecturer | UCP | 2012 to 2014 |
Visiting Lecturer | Minhaj University | 2013 to 2014 |
Senior mathematics Teacher | PIPs School system | 1990 to 2010 |
1 | Dynamics and numerical approximations for a fractional-order SIS epidemic model with saturating contact rate Computational and Applied Mathematics (Impact factor) 2020 |
2 | Numerical study and stability of the Lengyel-Epstein chemical model with diffusion Advances in Difference Equations (Impact factor) 2020 |
3 | Mathematical and stability Analysis of Fractional order Model for spread of Pests in Tea Plants Fractals (Impact factor) 2020 |
4 | Analysis and numerical simulations of fractional order Vallis System Alexandria Engineering Journal (Impact factor) 2020 |
5 | Hopf bifurcation and global dynamics of time delayed Dengue model Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (Impact factor 2020 |
6 | Comparison of fractional order techniques for measles dynamics Advances in Difference Equations (Impact factor) 2019 |
7 | Fractional order Lengyel-Epstein chemical reaction model Computational and Applied Mathematics (Impact factor) 2019 |
8 | Mathematical modelling for Nonlinear Glycolytic Oscillator Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of sciences: A. Physical and Computational Sciences 2018 |
9 | A non-integer order dengue internal transmission model Advances in Difference Equations (Impact factor) 2018 |
10 | Numerical Simulation of Fractional Order Dengue Disease with Incubation Period of Virus Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of sciences: A. Physical and Computational Sciences 2017 |
11 | Fractional Numerical treatment for Biochemical Reaction Networks Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of sciences: A. Physical and Computational Sciences 2017 |
12 | Numerical Modeling for Nonlinear Biochemical Reaction Networks Iranian Journal of mathematical chemistry 2017 |
13 | HIV/AIDS Epidemic Fractional –Order Model Journal of Difference equations and applications (Impact factor) 2017 |
14 | Fractional-order scheme for bovine babesiosis disease and tick populations Advances in Difference Equations (Impact factor) 2017 |
15 | Numerical treatment for nonlinear Brusselator chemical model Journal of Difference equations and applications (Impact factor) 2017 |
16 | Application of ZZ Transform Method on Some Fractional Differential Equations Inter. J. of Adv. Engg. And Global Technology 2016 |
17 | Fourth Order Compact Method for One Dimensional Inhomogeneous Heat Equation Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. 2016 |
18 | Fourth Order Compact Method for One Dimensional Inhomogeneous Telegraph Equation of 𝑶(𝒉𝟒, 𝒌𝟒) Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. 2016 |
19 | A New Technique to Obtain Analytical Solution for One Dimensional Homogeneous Telegraph Equation Inter. J. of Adv. Engg. And Global Technology 2016 |
20 | ZZ Transform Method Inter. J. of Adv. Engg. And Global Technology 2016 |
21 | Optimal design of oxygen production system by pattern search methods Pakistan Journal of Science 2015 |
22 | Finite Element Model for Linear Second Order One Dimensional Inhomogeneous Wave Equation Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. 2015 |
23 | Application of Laplace Decomposition Method for Solving Sine Gordon Equation Pakistan Journal of Science 2014 |
24 | A Non-Polynomial Spline Method for solving Linear Twelfth Order Boundary Value Problem Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of sciences 2014 |
25 | Numerical Solution of Sixth Order BVPs by Applying Non-Polynomial Spline Method Pakistan Journal of Science 2014 |
26 | Numerical Approximation of Degradation of Plasmid DNA in Rat Plasma Pakistan Journal of Science 2014 |
27 | Fourth Order Compact Method for One Dimensional Inhomogeneous Telegraph Equation of order O (h4, k3) Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. 2014 |
28 | Soliton Solution of IMKDV, IKDV, GKDV, and MRLW Equations by Sine-hyperbolic Function Method Inter. J. of Adv. Engg. And Global Technology 2013 |
29 | New Exact Travelling Wave Solutions for Nonlinear Equations with the help of Auxiliary Equation Method Inter. J. of Adv. Engg. And Global Technology 2013 |
30 | New Exact Travelling Wave Solutions for (2+1) dimensional Sine Gordon and Kadomtsev Petviashvili Equations Inter. J. of Adv. Engg. And Global Technology 2013 |
31 | Soliton Solution of IMKDV. IKDV, GKD and MRLW Equations by Cosecant-hyperbolic Function Method Inter. J. of Adv. Engg. And Global Technology 2013 |
32 | ZZ Fourth Order Compact BVM for one dimensional Advection Diffusion Equation Pakistan Journal of Science 2013 |
33 | Finite Element Model for Linear Second Order one dimensional homogeneous Telegraph Equation Pakistan Journal of Science 2013 |
34 | Solution of Burger’s Equation with the help of Laplace Decomposition Method Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. 2013 |
35 | A New Fourth Order Compact Difference Scheme for one dimensional Advection Diffusion Equation Pakistan Journal of Science 2012 |
36 | ZZ Fourth Order Compact BVM for the Equation of Lateral Heat Loss Pak. J. Engg. & Appl. Sci. 2012 |
37 | Fourth Order Compact Method for one dimensional homogeneous Telegraph Equation Pakistan Journal of Science 2012 |
38 | Fourth Order Compact Method for one dimensional homogeneous Damped Wave Equation Pakistan Journal of Science 2012 |