Mr. Sanwal Hussain Kharl

Mr. Sanwal Hussain Kharl

Mr. Sanwal Hussain Kharl

Associate Lecturer/PA to Dean -FOHSS
Ext: 457

Sanwal Hussain Kharl is young scholar focused on State Politics and Policy, CPEC and China role in region. He has been part of Department of Political Science, Government College University Lahore as a faculty member and manging editor of “The Journal of Political Science” from 2019 to 2022. He is graduated from the School of Public Administration, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, P. R. China. Sanwal has been associated with CPEC Research Center, Silk Road Institute, CUG, P. R. China as research assistant.

At UCP, Mr. Kharl is teaching; Public Administration, Introduction to Political Science, Public Policy and Governance, State Politics and Policy. He is managing editor of UCP Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (UCP-JHSS).

MPhil Public Administration School of Public Administration, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China 2019
Master Political Science GC University Lahore 2015
Visiting Lecturer GC University Lahore 2019-2022
Research Assistant CPEC Research Centre, Wuhan, China 2017-2019
1Sanwal Hussain Kharl, Arhama Siddiqa, “Deciphering the Fissures in India’s Social Fabric Amidst Rising Hindu Nationalism in the 21st Century” Journal of Indian Studies, Vol. 8, No. 1, January – June, 2022, pp. 45– 60
2Khizar Abbass, Khalid Mazoor Butt , Deyi Xu, Muhammad Ali, Khan Baz, Sanwal Hussain Kharl and Mansoor Ahmed“Measurements and determinants of extreme multidimensional energy poverty using machine learning”, Energy, April, 2022. DOI: 10.1016/
3Sanwal Hussain Kharl, Dr. Asif Farooq, “Balance of Power Politics and China's Role as Strategic Balancer in South Asia”, The Beacon Journal, Vol1, Issue 01, December, 2021, pp. 132-144.
4Sanwal Hussain Kharl, Khalid Mazoor Butt, Khizar Abbas Bhatti, “String of Pearls: Politics of Ports in Indian Ocean”, South Asian Studies, South Asian Studies, Vol. 35, No. 1, January – June, 2020, pp. 73 – 86
5Sanwal Hussain Kharl, Khizar Abbas Bhatti, Dr. Khalid Manzoor Butt, “Contemporary Counter-Terrorism in Pakistan and its Efficacy”, South Asian Studies, Vol34, No.1, January – June, 2019, pp. 103-123, Punjab University, Lahore
6Sanwal Hussain Kharl, Dr. Khalid Manzoor Butt, Khizar Abbas Bhatti, “Globalization as a Driving Force of Acculturation and its impacts on Punjabi Culture in Lahore; Cultural Hub of Punjab”, Journal of Political Science, Vol XXXVI, 2018, pp. 15-32, Government College University, Lahore.
7Sanwal Hussain Kharl, Khizar Abbas, Numan Oghai, “Governance Decentralization in Pakistan: An Analysis of District Council and Its Power”, International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering & Management, Vol. 01, Issue 05, 2018, p 56-60.
8Sanwal Kharl, Khizar Abbas, Xie Xiaoqing, “Introducing Legal Reforms to Manage Women’s Segregation in Pakistan in 21th Century (2000-2017): Critical View of Impacts and Achievements” Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management, ISSN: 2349-4506, Vol. 05, Issue 01, January 2018, p 60-67.
9Khizar Abbas, Sanwal Kharl, Xie Xiaoqing, “Landed Elites and Politics of Agrarian Reforms in Pakistan: A Case Study of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s Era”, International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, ISSN: 0976-4852, Vol. 09, Issue o1, January 2018.
10Sanwal Kharl, Arooj Khan, Usman Amin Siddiqi, “Women Political Participation in Lahore, Pakistan”, Lambert Academic Publications, ISBN: 978-620-2-09429-0
11Sanwal Kharl, Xiaoqing Xie, Green Growth Initative Will Lead Toward Sustainable Development Of Natural Resources In Pakistan: An Investgation Of “Billion Tree Tsunami Afforestation Project”, Science International (Lahore),29(4),841-843,2017

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