1 | Sludge characteristics in anaerobic SBR system producing hydrogen gas Muhammad Farhan Arooj, Sun-Kee Han, Sang-Hyun Kim, Dong-Hoon Kim, Hang-Sik Shin Environmental Science & Engineering Water Research, Volume 41, Issue 6, March 2007, Pages 1177-1184 11.24 |
2 | Continuous biohydrogen production in a CSTR using starch as a substrate Muhammad Farhan Arooj, Sun-Kee Han, Sang-Hyun Kim, Dong-Hoon Kim, Hang-Sik Shin Bioenergy production from Corn Starch International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 33, Issue 13, July 2008, Pages 3289-3294 5.816 |
3 | Effect of HRT on ASBR converting starch into biological hydrogen Muhammad Farhan Arooj, Sun-Kee Han, Sang-Hyun Kim, Dong-Hoon Kim, Hang-Sik Shin Mechanism of SBR International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 5 October 2008 5.816 |
4 | A sustainable approach to reuse of treated domestic wastewater in construction incorporating admixtures M. Arooj, Fahad Haseeb, Akbar Imran Butt, Dr Muhammad Irfan-Ul-Hassan, Hania Batool, Saad Kibria, Zara Javed, Hassan Nawaz, Sarah Asif Civil & Environmental Engineering Journal of Building Engineering Volume 33, January 2021, 101616 5.318 |
5 | Reuse of Treated Domestic Wastewater in Reinforced Concrete Incorporating Admixtures M. Arooj, Fahad Haseeb, Dr Muhammad Irfan-Ul-Hassan, Ameeq Farooq Civil & Environmental Engineering Submitted in Water Research Jan 2022 11.24 |
6 | Effect of change in area and position of inlet and outlet on the efficiency of water storage tanks Muhammad Farhan Arooj, Sajjad Haider, Simulation/Modeling Pakistan Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 16. Jan 2005-Dec, 2005 Nos 1-2, Page 81-85 HEC approved UET Journal |
7 | Development of Economical Polymer-modified Concrete for Repair of Concrete Structures in Pakistan Muhammad Farhan Arooj, Sajjad Haider, Kafeel Ahmad. Concrete Structures Pakistan Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 8. Jan 2011, Page 21-25 HEC approved UET Journal |