Saba Naeem

Saba Naeem

Saba Naeem

Ext: 641

Ms. Saba Naeem has done M.Phil. in Applied Mathematics from University of the Punjab. The interest area of research is minimal surfaces and optimization. She joined University of Central Punjab in 2016. She has taught the courses of Calculus, Differential Equations, Numerical Computing and Discrete Structures.

M.Phil MathematicsUniversity of the Punjab 2014- 2016
BS MathematicsUniversity of the Punjab2010-2014
A-levelsChemistry, Mathematics, PhysicsCambridge International Examinations2008-2010
LecturerUniversity of Central Punjab 2016- present
High School TeacherMusab School SystemJune 2014-Oct 2014
1Quasi-Harmonic Constraints for Toric Bezier Surfaces, Sigma Journal of Engineering and National Sciences 36 (2), 2018, 325-340

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