Society of Civil Engineers aims to enhance the educational experience and to provide practical knowledge to members. Students are encouraged to participate in group activities that allow them to develop personal and professional relationships, learn leadership and organizational skills, and serve the community.

Objective of the Society:  

  • To enhance campus involvement through societies and organization
  • To enhance the interaction between the engineers and society and to apply professional ethics and norms of engineering.
  • To provide a platform for students to interact with professionals through seminars, workshops and conferences.
  • To have a variety of our of classroom learning, recreational and social opportunities
  • Patron: Dr. Muhammad Akram Tahir (Associate Dean FOE)
  • President: Muhammad Zain Abbas Khan
  • Vice President: Muhammad Haider Amin
  • General Secretary: Hamza Cheema
  • Info. Secretary: Ali Habib

Society of Civil Engineers UCP
  +92 0423-588-0007  Ext : 551