The course will focus on Muslim Personal laws of Pakistan. In this course both the classical and codified Islamic personal laws dealing with marriages, divorce, maintenance, custody of children and parentage will be discussed. The course will also include contemporary Islamic personal laws AS applied in selected Muslim states.
Recommended Reading:
1. Ali, Syed Amir. Principles of Mohammdan Law, rev and enl. edn. Allahabad: Allahabad Law Emporium, 1983.
2. An-Na’im, Abdullahi A. Islamic Family Law in a Changing World. London: Zed Books, 2002.
3. Fayzee, AAA. Outlines of Mohammdan Law. Oxford: OUP, 1964.
4. Mahmood, Tahir. Asaf AA Fayzee: Cases in the Muhammdan law of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Oxford: OUP, 2005.
5. Mahmood, Tahir. Muslim Personal Law. New Delhi: Vikas, 1977.
6. Mannan, Dr. M. A. DF Mulla’s Principles of Mohammedan Law, Lahore: PLD 2010.
7. Mansoori, Dr. Muhammad Tahir. Family Law in Islam: Theory and Application. Islamabad: Shariah Academy, 2006.
8. Nizam, Sheikh. (comp.) Fatawi Alamgiryat. Calcutta: Education Press, 1825-35.
9. Text of Guardians and Wards Act, 1890, Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929 (CMRA), Dissolution of Muslim Marriage Act 1939 (DMMA), Muslim Family Law Ordinance 1961 (MFLO), Family Court Act, 1964, etc.