Course Objectives:

Students will acquire knowledge and understanding about the theoretical and instrumental as well as application related aspects of conductometric, and electrochemical techniques  and  surface  chemistry.  They  will  also  acquire information regarding nuclear binding energy, nuclear instabilities and decay mechanisms as well as the fission and fusion processes.


Ions in solution, measurement of conductance and Kohlrausch’s law, mobility of ions and transport number, conductometric titrations, Debye-Hückel theory and activity coefficient, determination of activities, application of conductance measurement.


Redox reactions, spontaneous reactions, electrochemical cells, standard electrode potentials, liquid junction potential, electrochemical series, Nernst’s equation, thermodynamic of redox reactions, measurement of pH and pKa, dynamic electrochemistry, Latimer Diagram, Frost Diagram, electrolytic cells, potentiometry, reference and indicator electrodes, voltammetry, fuel cells, corrosion and its prevention, fuel cell and hydrogen economy.

Surface Chemistry:

Interfaces, Gibbs surface excess, curved surfaces, capillary action, adsorption and  adsorption isotherms,  Freundlich  and  Langmuir adsorption isotherms, catalysis, colloids, emulsion and their industrial applications.

Nuclear Chemistry:

Atomic   nucleus,   nuclides,   nuclear   stability,   modes   of   decay,   nuclear energetics, nuclear models (shell + liquid drop model), fusion and fission, non – spontaneous nuclear processes, nuclear reactors, beta decay systematic.

CHEM-371 Lab:

Spectroscopic determination of Cu percentage in the given sample. Conductometric determination of Cu (II)- EDTA mole ratio in the complex.
To determine the effectiveness of an extraction of I2 solution by using Solvent
Extraction method.
Determination of molecular weight of a polymer by viscosity method. Determination of percentage composition of KMnO4/ K2Cr2O7 in a given solution by spectrophotometry.
Evaluation of pKa value of an indicator by spectrometric method. Conductometric determination of hydrolysis constant (Kh) of conjugate base of a weak acid.