Dr. Muhammad Awais Shafique
Assistant Professor
Ext: 265
Dr. Muhammad Awais Shafique is a distinguished civil and transportation engineer with approximately 15 years of experience in academia and industry. He holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Tokyo and has an impressive research portfolio, including a postdoctoral fellowship and 13 Scopus-indexed publications, seven of which are Q1-ranked. Currently, he serves as an Assistant Professor at the University of Central Punjab, Lahore. Dr. Shafique’s professional experience includes consultancy roles with the World Bank and Asian Consulting Engineers Pvt. Ltd., where he has led significant projects such as the development of master plans for Sindh cities, traffic studies for the Rawalpindi Ring Road, and the design of road networks for industrial estates and medical complexes.
In addition to his professional project work, Dr. Shafique has delivered numerous invited lectures at prestigious institutions worldwide. These include seminars on using smartphone sensor data for travel mode prediction at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, and a series of lectures on machine learning in transportation at the University of Tokyo, Japan. His technical proficiency spans software tools like SIDRA, SimTraffic Synchro, and AutoCAD, and programming languages such as R and Java. Dr. Shafique is dedicated to advancing the field of transportation engineering through his academic contributions and practical applications, actively engaging with the global research community.
PhD | Civil Engineering | University of Tokyo | 2015 |
MSc | Transportation Engineering | University of Engineering and Technology Lahore | 2011 |
BSc | Civil Engineering | University of Engineering and Technology Lahore | 2008 |
Assistant Professor | University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan | 2017 to date |
Postdoc Researcher | International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Barcelona, Spain | 2021 – 2023 |
Assistant Professor | University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan | 2016 – 2017 |
Lecturer | University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan | 2009 – 2016 |
Machine Learning |
Travel Behavior Analysis |
Travel Data Forecasting |
Traffic Impact Studies |
Crash Data Analysis |
SDG 11 |
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- Zhao, J., Yao, T., Zhang, C., and Shafique, M. A. “Signal control for overflow prevention at intersections using partial connected vehicle data.” Transportmetrica A: Transport Science, 1-31(2024)
- Shafique, M. A. “Improving ridership by predicting train occupancy levels.” Journal of Public Transportation26 (2024)
- Zhang, C. Qi, J. He, Y. Shafique, M. A. and Zhao, J. Collision-free Merging Control via Trajectory Optimization for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Transportation Research Record (2024)
- Shafique, M. A. Imputing Missing Data in Hourly Traffic Counts, Sensors 22, 9876 (2022)
- Shafique, M. A. and Marchán, S. S. Investigating the Impact of Information Sharing in Human Activity Recognition, Sensors 22, 2280 (2022)
- Shafique, M. A. and Hato, E. Travel Mode Detection with Varying Smartphone Data Collection Frequencies. Sensors 16, no. 5, 716 (2016)
- Shafique, M. A. and Hato, E. Use of acceleration data for transportation mode prediction, Transportation, 42(1), 163-188, (2015)
- Casajust, P. G. Shafique, M. A. Dani, and Marchán, S. S. Comparative analysis of alternative fuels and powertrains for goods transport vehicles: A case study of Catalonia, Spain, Pakistan Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences (2023)
- Casajust, P. G. Shafique, M. A. Dani, and Marchán, S. S. Developing a Vehicle Selection Procedure for Logistic Operators of Catalonia, Spain, Pakistan Journal of Engineering & Applied Sciences (2023)
- Shafique, M. A. Micromobility in Pakistan, UCP Journal of Engineering and Information Technology, 1(2), 24-27, (2023)
- Masood, R. Mehboob, A. Shafique, F. Shafique, M. A. Zafar, B. Maqsoom, A. and Ullah, Z. Investigating the Delay Factors of Construction Projects in Metropolitan City of a Developing Country. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture Research, 2(9), 947-955, (2015)
- Shafique, M. A. Hato, E. and Yaginuma, H. Using Probe Person Data for Travel Mode Detection, International Journal of Computer, Information, Systems and Control Engineering, 8(10), 1482 – 1486, (2014)
- Shafique, M. A. and Hato, E. Formation of Training and Testing Datasets, for Transportation Mode Identification. Journal of Traffic and Logistics Engineering, 3(1), 77-80, (2015)
- Shafique, M. A. and Hato, E. Incorporating MNL model into Random Forest for Travel Mode Detection, Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 40(3), pp.496-501 (2021)
- Shafique, M. A. Afzal, M. S. Riaz, N. and Ahmed A. Public Perception regarding Autonomous Vehicles in Developing Countries: A Case study of Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 28, 1-6 (2021)
- Shafique, M.A. and Hato, E. A Review of Automatic Travel Mode Detection Methods. Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, 39(4), pp.871-881 (2020)
- Shafique, M. A. and Hato, E. Improving the Accuracy of Travel Mode Detection for low Data Collection Frequencies, Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 27, 67-77, (2020)
- Shafique, M. A. and Hato, E.Predicting The Mode Of Transportation Using GPS Data, For Vehicular Carbon Footprint Determination, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 8 (10), 70-72 (2018)
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- Shafique, M. A. and Marchán, S. S. Autonomous Personal Pods as a replacement for cars, 1st International Conference on New Trends in Civil Engineering, UCP, Lahore, Pakistan (March 2023)
- Shafique, M. A. and Hato, E. Classification of Travel Data with Multiple Sensor Information using Random Forest. Transportation Research Procedia22, 144-153, (2017), 19th Euro Working Group on Transportation, EWGT 2016, Istanbul, Turkey. (Sep. 2016)
- Shafique, M. A. and Hato, E. Modelling of Accelerometer Data for Travel Mode Detection by Hierarchical Application of Binomial Logistic Regression. Transportation Research Procedia10, 236-244, (2015), 18th Euro Working Group on Transportation, EWGT 2015, Delft, The Netherlands. (July 2015)
- Shafique, M. A. and Hato, E. A Comparison among various Classification Algorithms for Travel Mode Detection using Sensors’ data collected by Smartphones, 14th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management, CUPUM 2015, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts. (July 2015)
- Shafique, M. A. and Hato, E. Optimum Training Sample Size for Travel Mode Detection using Smartphone, Annual International Conference on Transportation, Athens, Greece. (June 2015)
- Shafique, M. A. and Hato, E. Formation of Training and Testing Datasets, for Transportation Mode Identification, 4th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Madrid, Spain. (May 2015)
- Shafique, M. A. and Qayyum, T. I. Comparison of Bearing Capacity Equations for vertical central loading, First International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment (GEOMAT), Mie, Japan. (Nov. 2011)
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- Shafique, M. A. Regaining Confidence by forecasting Crowding Levels in Public Transport, Urban Transport Conference, Frankfurt, Germany (March 2022)
- Shafique, M. A. and Hato, E. Predicting the Mode of Transportation using GPS data, for Vehicular Carbon Footprint determination, Fifth International Conference on Infrastructure Engineering in Developing Countries, Karachi, Pakistan (July 2017)
- Saeed, T. Raza, K. Asghar. S. and Shafique, M. A. Detection of Motorized and Non-motorized Modes using Smartphones, Fifth International Conference on Infrastructure Engineering in Developing Countries, Karachi, Pakistan (July 2017)
- Shafique, M. A. and Hato, E. A Review of Travel Data Collection Methods. 17th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Paris, France. (April 2015)
- Shafique, MA, Eiji Hato and Hideki Yaginuma. Optimum Feature Extraction Window Size for the Purpose of Travel Mode Detection using Smartphone’s Accelerometer, 12th ITS Symposium 2014, Tohoku University, Sendai. (Dec 2014)
- Shafique, M. A. Hato, E. and Yaginuma, H. Using Probe Person Data for Travel Mode Detection, International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications, Osaka, Japan. (Oct. 2014)
- Imaizumi, T., Shafique, M. A. and Hato, E.. Incorporating the physical load into activity analysis focused on the built environment for pedestrians (第 33 回交通工学研究発表会論文集). 交通工学研究発表会論文集, 33, pp.541-545 (2013)
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- Recipient of 2-year Severo Ochoa Fellowship for Postdoc at the International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Barcelona, Spain.
- Recipient of 3-year MEXT scholarship from the Government of Japan for PhD studies at the University of Tokyo.
- Regularly invited to teach part of a graduate course at the University of Tokyo titled, “Transportation and Urban Design Studio”.
- Regularly invited to deliver a lecture during the Annual Behavioral Modelling Summer School held at the University of Tokyo.
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- Professional Engineer with Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC).
- Member of the Scientific Committee for The 12th Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis conference, June 22-27, 2025, Okinawa, Japan
- Regular referee of papers for various journals