Dr. Nauman Mazher

Dr. Nauman Mazher

Dr. Nauman Mazher

Associate Professor

Ext: 450

Dr Nauman completed his MS in Computer Engg from Iowa State Univ, USA, in 2000, and later PhD in the same area from Centre for Advanced Studies in Engg, Islamabad, in 2011.  During PhD, he also worked as research scholar at WAVEs lab in Electrical & Computer Engg Dept, Michigan State University, USA.

Since 2014, he has been working as Associate Professor in Faculty of Information Technology, University of Central Punjab. At UCP, he is teaching graduate and undergraduate level Computer Networks and Network Security related courses, along with being involved in administrative activities, earlier as Assoc Dean and now as Head of Dept Software Engg. In 2014, he got retired from Air Force as Wing Commander in Engg Branch. During Air Force service, along with field and staff appointments, he also taught for about six years at College of Aeronautical Engg (CAE), National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST). His research interests include wireless network systems and protocols, designed for low bandwidth and power constrained environment, mostly employed in the Internet of Things, both in the simulation and implementation domains.

PhD Computer Engineering Center for Advanced Studies in Engg (CASE), University of Engg & Tech, Taxila 2011
MS Computer Engineering IOWA State University, Ames, USA 2000
BE Avionics Engineering PAF College of Aeronautical Engg (CAE), NED University, Karachi 1987
Assoc Prof, HoD Software Engg Faculty of Information Technology (FoIT), UCP 2019 to date
Associate Dean Faculty of Information Technology (FoIT), UCP 2016 - 2018
Associate Professor Faculty of Information Technology (FoIT), UCP 2014 - 2016
Associate Professor, Deputy HoD Avionics Engg College of Aeronautical Engg (CAE), National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST), Risalpur 2008 - 2014
GSO-2 Computers Joint Staff Headquarters, Chaklala 2000 - 2004
Engg Officer Pakistan Air Force (Flying Bases & AHQ) 1987 - 1998
1N. Mazhar, M. Farooq, “A Hybrid AIS Model for Power Aware Secure Mobile Adhoc Networks Routing Protocols”. Elsevier Journal of Applied Soft Computing (ASOC), 11(8):5695–5714, (doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2011.03.021, ISSN 1568-4946). Dec 2011.
2N. Mazhar, “Energy Efficient Security in MANETs: A Comparison of Cryptographic and Artificial Immune Systems”. Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PJEAS), vol-7, pp. 71-94. July 2010.
3N. Mazhar, M. Farooq, “Vulnerability Analysis and Security Framework (BeeSec) for Nature Inspired MANET Routing Protocols”. In proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO’07), pp. 102–109, ACM. London, July 2007.
4N. Mazhar, M. Farooq, “BeeAIS: Artificial Immune System Security for Nature Inspired MANET Routing Protocol, BeeAdHoc”. In proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS'07), LNCS, vol. 4628, pp. 370-381, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, August 2007.
5N. Mazhar, M. Farooq, “A Sense of Danger - Dendritic Cells Inspired Artificial Immune System for MANET Security”. In proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO’08), pp. 63-70, ACM. Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 12-16, 2008.
6F. Maan, N. Mazhar, “MANET Routing Protocols vs. Mobility Models: A Performance Evaluation”. In proceedings of the Third International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN 2011), pp. 179-184. Dalian, China, June 15-17, 2011.
7F. Maan, Y. Abbas, N. Mazhar, “Vulnerability assessment of AODV and SAODV routing protocols against network routing attacks and performance comparisons”. In Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Advanced (WiAd -2011). London, UK, June 20-22, 2011.

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