Faculty of Information Technology (FoIT)

The Punjab Institute of Computer Science (PICS) was established in 1993 with the aim of producing highly skilled graduates in the field of Information Technology. In 2002, having attained degree awarding status, the Institute became the Faculty of Information Technology (FoIT), University of Central Punjab.

FoIT shares the passion and objective of our parent organization, which is to serve the nation by producing outstanding IT professionals, through exceptional teaching, training and research activities. The goal of FoIT is to nurture students and enable them to establish successful careers as computer cientists, academics and entrepreneurs.

To meet the challenges posed by our rapidly changing world, the faculty’s elective courses in combination with the core courses train students to take up positions in industry, groom them for perfection as researchers, and prepare them to tackle real-life challenges to make a meaningful impact on local communities.

Message from the Dean

At the Faculty of Information Technology, the new academic year brings with it a palpable sense of excitement.

We have made major strides in 2016-17 – achieving significant improvements in them quality of teaching and increasing the breadth and inter-disciplinary nature of the research portfolio of the faculty. Our plans for the coming year are even more ambitious.

Our existing research centres continue to mature while the groundwork for new ones is in process. All research activity at FoIT is geared to realize our primary mission: analyse and diagnose problems encountered in the real world, conduct research and develop innovative, independently verifiable solutions. We bring the perspectives and powerful techniques of computer science to bear on Pakistan’s particular socio- economic challenges, particularly in the fields of teaching mathematics and languages, in healthcare and in security. In the process, we are further strengthening our linkages, both with the software industry and with institutions of higher education in Pakistan and abroad.

In terms of teaching, the fundamental principle guiding our methodologies has been vindicated: if a student is under-performing, it is the responsibility of the instructor and more generally the faculty; the fault is not laid at the door of the student or their educational background. This has led to deeper reflection, analysis and experimentation with teaching and assessment methods on the part of the faculty – whether it be regarding actual classroom interaction, lesson planning,

Degree programs offered at FoIT

The strength of FoIT is a highly qualified faculty – with specialized training in various fields of computer science from renowned universities of USA, Australia, UK, Sweden, France, Switzerland and Austria – dedicated to produce graduates and researchers with exceptional theoretical and practical skills in the field of computer science. The guidance and support extended by the faculty and administration during the entire learning experience of students has produced outstanding professionals,researchers and educators who are providing services in renowned national and international organizations.

We believe that well-equipped laboratories and state-of-the-art research facilities play a key role in the training and development of IT professionals. To facilitate this process of learning in theoretical and experimental skills, we have project-based as well as general purpose laboratories.

BS Computer Science

The BSCS program is aimed at developing sound foundations in the key areas of computer science…

MS Computer Science

The MSCS program aims at extending the knowledge imparted to students during their undergraduate studies…

Ph.D. Computer Science

The core of graduate studies in FoIT is based on innovative research and continuous development in the field…


Faculty Of Information Technology

Dr. Fawad Baig

Dr. Fawad Baig

Dean(Additional charge) & HOD
Faculty of Media and Mass Communication